TypeScript: A Gentle Introduction with To-Do List Example

Pedro Laracuente

Have you ever wished that your JavaScript code could catch errors before they become runtime nightmares? With TypeScript, that's no longer a dream—it's a reality. TypeScript builds on JavaScript by adding static types, giving you a safety net during development. In this post, we'll explore the core concepts of TypeScript using a familiar scenario: a to-do list application. Whether you're new to static typing or looking to solidify your understanding, this guide is designed to be both engaging and a valuable learning resource.

What Is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, which means that any valid JavaScript code is also valid TypeScript code. What sets TypeScript apart is its optional static typing. By allowing you to specify the types of variables, function parameters, and return values, TypeScript helps you catch mistakes early—right in your code editor or during compilation—saving you time and frustration. In a world where bugs can be costly, having that extra layer of protection is a big win.

Why Use TypeScript?

TypeScript isn't just about adding types for the sake of it; it brings several practical benefits to modern web development:

  • Early Error Detection: With TypeScript's static type checking, many common errors—like assigning the wrong data type—are caught at compile time instead of during production.
  • Improved Code Readability: Explicit type definitions make your code self-documenting. When you or your team revisit a piece of code, understanding what each function or variable is supposed to do becomes much simpler.
  • Enhanced Code Maintainability: As projects grow, having a consistent type system helps ensure that refactoring and adding new features don't introduce new bugs.
  • Better Developer Tooling: Many integrated development environments (IDEs) provide robust support for TypeScript. From auto-completion to easy navigation and seamless refactoring, your development experience becomes more efficient and enjoyable.

Core Concepts Through a To-Do List Example

Let's break down some fundamental TypeScript concepts and see how they apply to a simple to-do list application.

1. Basic Types

TypeScript's strength starts with its built-in types. These include:

  • `string` for textual data—for example, `"Buy groceries"`.
  • `number` for numeric values—such as `1`, `2.5`, or even negative numbers.
  • `boolean` for true/false values.
  • `null` and `undefined` to denote the absence of a value.
  • `any` for cases where type checking is intentionally bypassed (use this sparingly).
  • `void` to represent functions that do not return a value.

Consider these examples:

```tsx let taskName: string = "Buy groceries"; let taskId: number = 1; let isCompleted: boolean = false; let notes: string | null = null; // Union type: can be a string or null ```

In our to-do list application, you might also have:

```tsx let taskDescription: string = "Pick up milk, eggs, and bread."; let priorityLevel: number = 2; // Here, 1 might represent high priority, 2 medium, 3 low let isTaskComplete: boolean = false; ```

By explicitly stating what type each variable should be, you reduce the risk of unexpected behavior later on.

2. Arrays

Arrays in TypeScript are collections that can only store values of one type, ensuring consistency:

```tsx let tasks: string[] = ["Buy groceries", "Walk the dog", "Pay bills"]; let completedTasks: boolean[] = [false, true, false]; ```

For our to-do list, you could have a simple array of task descriptions:

```tsx let todoItems: string[] = ["Clean the kitchen", "Finish report", "Call mom"]; ```

This approach prevents accidentally mixing different data types in the same array.

3. Objects

Objects allow you to group related data and functionality together. In TypeScript, you can define the shape of an object using an `interface` or a type alias. This is particularly useful for complex entities like tasks.

Using an interface:

```tsx interface Task { id: number; name: string; completed: boolean; dueDate?: Date; // The "?" denotes an optional property. }

let myTask: Task = { id: 1, name: "Grocery Shopping", completed: false, }; ```

Alternatively, a type alias for a user might look like:

```tsx type User = { id: number; name: string; }; ```

For our to-do list app, a `TodoItem` might be defined as:

```tsx interface TodoItem { id: number; text: string; isCompleted: boolean; dueDate?: Date; // Optional: might be set if the task has a deadline. }

let firstTask: TodoItem = { id: 1, text: "Learn TypeScript", isCompleted: false, }; ```

This structure not only makes your code more organized but also leverages TypeScript's type checking to ensure consistency.

4. Functions

Functions are central to any application, and TypeScript helps you define what types of arguments the functions should accept and what they return. Here's a simple function for adding a task:

```tsx function addTask(taskName: string, priority: number): void { console.log(`Adding task: ${taskName} with priority ${priority}`); // Task creation logic goes here... } ```

Imagine enhancing a to-do list function like this:

```tsx function addTodo(todoText: string, todos: TodoItem[]): TodoItem[] { const newTodo: TodoItem = { id: todos.length + 1, // A simple way to generate a new ID. text: todoText, isCompleted: false, }; return [...todos, newTodo]; }

function markAsComplete(todoId: number, todos: TodoItem[]): TodoItem[] { return todos.map(todo => todo.id === todoId ? { ...todo, isCompleted: true } : todo ); } ```

Notice how specifying the return types helps you maintain clarity on what each function should output.

5. Enums

Enums in TypeScript let you define a set of named constants, which is handy for representing fixed sets of values, such as priority levels in a to-do list.

```tsx enum TaskPriority { High, // Defaults to 0 Medium, // Defaults to 1 Low, // Defaults to 2 }

let myPriority: TaskPriority = TaskPriority.Medium; ```

For your to-do list app, integrating an enum into your task interface might look like this:

```tsx enum Priority { High, Medium, Low, }

interface TodoItem { id: number; text: string; isCompleted: boolean; priority: Priority; dueDate?: Date; }

let urgentTask: TodoItem = { id: 2, text: "Submit project proposal", isCompleted: false, priority: Priority.High, }; ```

Enums make your code more self-explanatory, as they replace arbitrary numeric values with meaningful names.

6. Union and Intersection Types

TypeScript lets you combine types flexibly, which can greatly enhance the robustness of your code.

Union Types allow a variable to hold values of several different types:

```tsx let result: number | string; result = 10; // Valid. result = "Hello"; // Also valid. // result = true; // This would raise an error. ```

Intersection Types merge multiple types into one, ideal for describing objects with combined properties:

```tsx interface Person { name: string; }

interface Contact { email: string; phone: string; }

type Employee = Person & Contact;

let newEmployee: Employee = { name: "John Doe", email: "john.doe@example.com", phone: "555-1234", }; ```

Using these techniques allows you to model complex data structures in your application without compromising type safety.

7. Type Assertion

Sometimes you might know more about a variable's type than TypeScript does. Type assertions (using the `as` keyword) inform the compiler about a variable's actual type when you're confident of its structure. However, use them with caution:

```tsx let someValue: any = "this is a string"; let strLength: number = (someValue as string).length; ```

Type assertions should be seen as an escape hatch when certain about the type, not as a way to sidestep the benefits of type safety.

8. Generics

Generics are a powerful feature that let you write functions and types that work across a variety of data types, all while keeping the benefits of static type checking.

```tsx function identity(arg: T): T { return arg; }

let myString: string = identity("hello"); let myNumber: number = identity(123); ```

In a to-do list scenario, you might write a generic function that retrieves the first item from any list, regardless of what that list contains:

```tsx function getFirstItem(items: T[]): T | undefined { return items.length > 0 ? items[0] : undefined; }

// When using the TodoItem interface: let firstTodo = getFirstItem(arrayOfTodoItems); ```

Generics enhance code reuse and make your functions flexible, all while keeping your code robust with type guarantees.


In this guide, we've navigated through the essential TypeScript concepts—from basic types and arrays to more advanced features like enums, union/intersection types, type assertions, and generics—all using a real-world to-do list app as our playground. By slowly integrating these features into your projects, you'll not only catch errors earlier but also write code that's easier to understand, maintain, and extend.

As you continue your TypeScript journey, remember that the language is as much about professional growth as it is about writing better code. Experiment with these concepts, build more challenging projects, and leverage the robust developer tooling available. For deeper dives into advanced topics, the official TypeScript documentation is an excellent resource.

Happy coding, and welcome to a more reliable and enjoyable development experience with TypeScript!